Monday, March 30, 2015

Lazy Hot Wings (Monk BBQ Original Recipe)

Hey readers. This is a recipe for hot wings that I made one day when I was too lazy to actually follow a recipe. It turned out tasting fantastic and has been a favorite at parties and hangouts ever since. So let's delve in.

What you're gonna need

  • Chicken Wings (2-10 lbs, however many you want really)
  • Siracha hot sauce
  • Tapatio hot sauce
  • A Stick of Butter
  • lemon juice
  • olive oil
  • garlic powder
  • Mesquite or Hickory pellets or wood #HardwoodsOnly
First things first, notice the lack of measurements up there? Just refer to the name if you wanna know why, measure to taste.

Step 1: Heat the grill to 300°  and throw the wings on (frozen or thawed doesn't matter)

Step 2: Melt the butter in the microwave (I'll laugh if it explodes on you), then add other ingredients in a bowl

Step 4: Achieve maximum laziness, dump it into a squeezable bottle

Step 5: Once the wings are mostly done cooking, drizzle sauce on them, but don't use it all

Step 6: Let them cook for 5-10 minutes till the sauce changes appearance a little and add them to a baking dish, then lather them in the remaining sauce and let them cook another 10-20 minutes depending on how done they are (the reason we do this is because so much of the sauce falls off when removing them from the grill, this way they're thoroughly covered for every bite)

Final step. Eat the wings. Share if threatened (or for bragging rights), otherwise retreat to man cave for private consumption


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